I just had a major breakout all over my skin, how annoying. I have a few spots on my forehead and a few on the parts of my cheek closes to my nose, and a couple other areas. Personally, I hate acne and go to great length to counter act it. So in order to wake up with acne free fresh looking skin I use the following products:
1.Making sure all make up has been removed. I use Vichy Purete Therrmale Exfoliant Creme all over my face, first I dampen my face and then massage the cream in to my face for about 30 - 60 seconds. I was it off with warm water and pat dry my skin. For extreme cleansing I would follow with a gentle cleanser or an acne cleanser but sometimes I avoid this step so I don't end up over cleansing my face. I purchased the product from shoppers drug mart in Canada for $20.00 however you can go to http://www.vichyusa.com/_us/_en/face-care/cleansers-toners/purete-thermale-exfoliating-cream.htm to purchase the product. Image taken from the link above (Vichy Website)

2. Once my skin is dry I moisturize using the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion by the Body Shop, all over my skin. This helps to moisturize my skin and contains lemon tea tree oil which will help kill the bacteria on my skin and prevent further break outs. This lotion also contains Tamanu oil which helps decrease redness and also claims to calm irritation. I think the benefits which this product provides my skin with is amazing. Image taken from and product can be purchased from : http://www.thebodyshop-usa.com/tea-tree/prod400026 . I bought mine at The Body Shop, and the product retails on the website for $18.00.

Well that is my regime! Hopefully this will help you out and give you some tips and perhaps lead you to try products that you have not before. It works for me and an important thing to remember about acne is that it will not disappear over night, these products will help substantially especially if your break out is just minor and regular use will work wonders.
Time to sleeep!